Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Eyelash lengthener....

I just read in a forum that talks about Mavala eyelash lengthen. And i read many good reviews on it. So y not? At first i never thought that eyelash lengthen would works, since my sis use the Revital lash, and it look the same too me, but she stated that it does make her lashes fuller, but not longer! I dont care if my lashes are fuller, all i want for it is to be looonnnggg!!! For fuller, you can always put on mascara right? So yah i bought mine online at WHATSHEBUYS for $16.50 not so bad right? For the Revital is like $100 something, way too much for me. I didnt want to risk it. So i recieved my order in like 3 or 4 days, pretty fast shipping. They say it takes about a month to see the results, and i been using it for 2 nights now. I will be doing an update on my lashes to see if it does work. >.< /

1 comment:

Cinthia Truong said...

Hey girlie, I saw this at Westminster Mall. I forgot how much they're selling it for but it's somewhere between $12-18. Let me know if this works for you. I might drop by the mall and get it. LOL