Wednesday, October 22, 2008

FOTD: Wing Eye look

Hey gals, so tonight i got bored and wanted to create a look, I love wing eye style makeup! Since they remind me of the old Hollywood retro look. I know this style is old but i cant resist! At first, doing the wing eye look was hard for me, because i never really actually know how to do it, then i watch tutorials on Youtube, there are many ways that people do, like putting the tape on the side, or draw a thin line up using an eyeliner and sorts, which are all very creative and great. But i try it the fresh way, no tape or liner needed. I just DO it! LOL
Anywho, this is how it turns out! I think i might do this look for CINTHIA's Pin-up girl contest! I am really excitied about it! hehe

dont mind me wearing my PJs hehe


Cinthia Truong said...

even in your PJ you look cute!!! Can't wait to see your look for the contest. I'm so excited :) heheh

Vanessa said...

OOH! Those look so hot on you! Very retro!