Monday, May 11, 2009

Eyelashes update!

Hey girls, I've been trying Revital lash product for quite awhile now and realized that it is such a great product for those who has shorter eyelashes. For me, I have short, thin hair lashes. But since I use Revital lash for a couple of months, i do see results! I was a bit skeptical but tried it anyways! Here are the results...

Sorry I dont have a before picture, I kind of lost it somewhere...=] But here are the older posts I did regarding my eyelashes review. CLICK Here

Product Rating: 4/5
-If you want fast results for thicker, longer lashes, this product might not be for you. This baby takes at least 2 months for results. So if u have patience then I recommend it!

I also heard good reviews of LI LASH, anyone used it yet?? IF yes let me know how it turns out!? =]

My other pictures after using the Revital, with mascara.

This is a great mascara that I am currently using, its inexpensive and super waterproof! My lashes curl so well with this mascara. Its MAX Factor waterproof mascara in Hydrofuge.
You can see how thicker and fuller it looks in my pictures. (above & below)


Katrina M said...

great review!! it would be nice to have patience!

gorgeous honey!

Maria Elizabeth said...

i'd love to try one of those lash growth products. i'm not very patient though, lol. tagged you on my blog :]

Belle Du Jour said...

I have been using Lilash, I have a review and update t 6 weeks on my blog. Time for an 8 week update! It is AMAZING!
Loving your blog. Come stop my mine for a look around. Hope to see you soon!
x Belle

Sugar Bunnie said...

I have to try this

Cinthia Truong said...

The thing about revitalash is if you stop using it, your eyelashes will get back to its original state. Sux!

btw, love your new blog layout. Is it new? or it's just been a long time we both haven't blog? lol

Ashwini said...

I want your mascara, but I can't find Max Factor anywhere! Great blog, btw. I'm a new follower. :)

Cheap Furniture Burbank said...

I am a fan of Maxfactor. Really like the way you do your eye liner too!